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Petition: Crime in Johor Bahru June 17, 2007

Posted by elizabethwong in Current Affairs, Malaysia.

我们对新山治安败坏的严重性,深感忧心忡忡;人民生活在恐慌的恶劣环境中,财物性命没有保障。 以下签名者向我国政府传达我们强烈的心声,希望警方全力以赴, 重点扑灭严重罪案, 还我人民一个安全的生活环境。

Pihak kami serentak merasai keadaan keamanan dan keselamatan di Johor Bahru semakin tergugat dan rakyat hidup dalam situasi yang bimbang dan gelisah. Bersama ini kami menurunkan tandatangan sebagai satu penyampaian citarasa kami kepada pihak berkuasa, kami berharap pihak polis akan menfokus dan berusaha dengan sepenuhnya bagi membanteras jenayah untuk mengembalikan keyakinan kehidupan yang aman kepada rakyat semua.

签署请愿书 Sign Petition

查看签署者 View All Signatures

截止日期 Close Date: 24/06/2007
新山中华公会主办 Organise by Persekutuan Tiong-Hua Johor Bahru


1. arifabdull - June 17, 2007

Dear Eli, got a personal msg for you there.

Only if you got free time for it….. Peace!

2. Simon Wee - June 18, 2007

The whole country is crime-infested. Let us all stage a nation-wide demonstration to get the whole world’s atention and police cracking. As for Elizabeth, keep up the good work.

3. Simon Wee - June 18, 2007

And a petition too.

4. J-Talk > 亂語胡言 » Blog Archive » 盜亦有道? - June 18, 2007

[…] 嗯~我想他也該呼籲柔佛的歹徒們多作好事。 […]

5. dorjee - June 18, 2007

Strange… very strange….
As I don’t see much of other races in the petition….
Is crime doesn’t concern them?

6. kittykat46 - June 18, 2007

Hi dorjee….the latest series of cases have an unfortunate racial angle ….most of the victims were from one race, the alleged perpetrators were from another.
Anyway, crime concerns everyone, and a criminal is a criminal, no point dragging race into this issue.

7. Desmond - June 19, 2007

State MCA chief Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek urged the public to remain calm. “Do not let racial sentiment go to your head, and turn the crime issue into an emotional topic,” he said in Muar yesterday.
Utter rubbish! This could happen to any race. What I think is the Law Enforcers and the government are not putting in any effort to begin with.
Does the public have to resort to this banter before thing can be sorted out?
Anyway it not safe to travel to Malaysia now. And I lot of us shares the same sentiments.

8. hasilox - June 19, 2007

Any local paper reported this one?

ATTACKED… while petitioning for SAFETY

9. wits0 - June 19, 2007

Hasilfox, repression for Image sake has become a an established tradition. The Datuk Seri has nothing but platitudes to offer, as expected…that crimes have to happen most plentifully in Johore, easily the worst State, is also not unexpected.

Yeah, what racial sentiment? The Datuk Seri actually is trying to be evasive, being too toothless to make any initiating move to address the issue and is giving a stupid excuse. Just mutter something and the sycophantic media will convey them unquestioningly like precious words of wisdom. Passing the buck shamelessly.

10. Nicky Lau - June 19, 2007

Try to see what Singapore does… Just a Johor Strait dividing Singapore and “peace loving” Malaysia….
We all have eyes to see…. It’s about time to wake the obese cop to work….(may be even too late for those who have been victimise)
There another point to ponder, does pay rise in police force proportion to their performance so far?

11. hasilox - June 19, 2007

How the hell crimes became a racial issue? I think more chineses signed the petition compared to other races was because the organiser is a chinese group-based.

These clueless politicians always use the same trick. As we know, monkeys don’t know many tricks. By stamping it as a racial issue, they effectively reduced the protesting voices significantly. Sad isn’t it?

12. wits0 - June 20, 2007

I would think that his predecessor, Jimmy Chua, wouldn’t have insulted the intelligence of his community this much by opening his mouth most inappropriately, but kept his mouth shut instead. This guy never impresses.

13. dorjee - June 20, 2007

Hi kittyka46… i’d tried to be as optimistic as you…

14. monsterball - June 20, 2007

Chinese are by nature peaceful people…but brave enough to lay down their lives for the nation and be treated equal.
A demonstration organised by whatever race is not about one race..but bravely express their displeasures of unfair matters from the government for the good of all races and excercising their rights for a democratic country. Hope the police will be fair and not be brutal. Their job is to see peace for the country…not to take sides in politics.

15. allah akabar - June 20, 2007

I urged all who see those roaches who waylaid innocent victims if they are driving to run down these sob and gun the accelerator. if u
get them down reverse into them and make them into history
lest we clean them all up they will still strike the innocent like mosquitoes
we do not have syariah law but in the us they shoot these bastard
in between the legs and right on the knees and leave them in the desert adious aliababa

16. T C - July 28, 2007

If the police force is “overloaded” to protect the citizens, let us source for optional solutions.

A compaign to urge responsible Malaysians (I’m sure most of us are) to fork out 1 ringgit. To use these monies to hire private investigators or bounty hunters to hunt down snatch thieves, robbers, rapists and other criminals around us.

17. Areema Ghulam - August 6, 2007

Johor Police is irrelevant to our safety….why the governor not use the arm forces….and I believe citizens have to arm themselves and take the law into their own hands in order to stay alive. The government keeps saying this is a muslim country, like all other Muslim countries we should be allowed to own and carry arms.

The unholy shit hole called johor is getting worse. Did i say SHIT HOLE!!. Unless we do something we will always let the criminals win. Citizen vigilates work in many countries. People of Johor must wake up and realise they can’t depend on the Police, they have to arm themselves and have citizen patrol. Personal liberty comes last in these trying times. I say kill first an ask question later.

18. Samina - August 6, 2007

Good on u Areema…..yes Johor is definitely a big SHIT HOLE….I wbe there for a short visit for the first time and experience crime….I always thought Malaysia is a lovely country…but after my experience I will never come back again. I thought Pakistan is a voilent place but here the Police is incapable of ever doing their jobs….all they were interested is seeking corruption from alleged traffic violations. So everyone out there thinking of going to JOHOR….DON’T DO IT…YOU MIGHT NOT LIVE THROUGH YOUR VISIT…ITS A STINKY SHIT HOLE.

19. Johor bahru wedding - December 16, 2007

It has been months now but we still see crime happens in the town… now comes the flood…

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