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Anugerah skrin politik January 1, 2008

Posted by elizabethwong in 1.

The irony.

On the day news broke in the Malay and English media (snail’s-pace, compared to the Chinese media) about a Minister and his videotaped extra-curricula activities, it was reported that Malaysia’s fat bottom was resting too comfortably among the sediments of an international privacy rating.

Hardly anyone appeared interested in the latter, since most are caught up with the excitement, baying for the Minister’s blood. But is it anyone’s business what one does and who one does it with in the bedroom?

Here’s a checklist to evaluate the so-called scandal:-

  1. Was the act non-consensual?
  2. Was it under duress e.g. pressure and threats to keep one’s job, or to secure one’s livelihood or security?
  3. Was it a form of inducement e.g. in an employer-employee relationship which would result in benefits and advantages; or for political favours like good seat allocation, contracts, commissions etc.?
  4. Did the Minister used his job privileges e.g. to get a free or discounted hotel room, used ministerial facilities e.g. official car, or dug deep into the public coffers to pay for that hotel suite?

If the answers to the above are “Nays”, then it’s none of our blooming business.

The only *real* crime that had been committed was by those who put up those cameras in that room and then distributed the tapes.

So, no – I’m not going to be used by that MCA faction to condemn this man.
For the last time – No, I don’t have a copy of the DVD and no, I’m not going to get you a copy.


1. monsterball - January 1, 2008

For once I will disagree with LIz.
I like this Minister. I have said he is doing a wonderful job in the Health Ministry and one cannot forget how smart and correct way he handled the ‘nagarakuku” matter..shutting up UMNO’s mouth.
But he is not an ordinary person!!
He is an elected politician and a Minister.
He should resign gracefully…but I guess..the fun will start by him….testing MCA and UMNO’s wise decision.
After all..Samy defied all by not resigning and Mahathir said he has no power to sack an MIC president in the BN…..what about a MCA to man now?
Perhaps back to what Jesus said…’Whoever amongst you are without sins…cast the first stone”
All are sinful ..corrupted and sex maniacs…..so in that way…Liz is correct.

2. jedyoong - January 1, 2008

“The only *real* crime that had been committed was by those who put up those cameras in that room and then distributed the tapes.”

Agree. In the UK and US, surreptitious recordings are an invasion of privacy — a CRIME — and inadmissible as court evidence.

So low blow Team A?

The first to go should be Transport Minister Chan Kong Choy who has been beleaguered with REAL scandals like the Port Klang Free Zone, skim e-Kesihatan for coach drivers, coach accidents and ferry tragedies….

3. max - January 1, 2008

The fact is, what he did was wrong and he must account for himself. Ministers must not only be clean but must also be seen to be clean. Just his luck. He should have the relationship with the woman out in the open. When everybody knows of the ‘other’ woman, people will only congratulate him. Look at Jean. She was also caught but not with the pants down.

Resign with honour.

4. Sharing - January 1, 2008

A Good Mirror Test on the Public
from the points of Scandal, Human Rights and Honesty!

Scandal has been well defined!
Privacy Act yet to be explained and introduced!
Everyone’ privacy should be protested included Dr Chua’s
or, this can go into anyone more than the ISA!!
For the honesty test, he has passed and be a point of merit!
In fact, the Public are under tested
for consciousness on legal, Human Rights and emotional aspects!

Why should Dr Chua be challenged by a DVD of privacy life if he has others to be challenged?
Or, nothing more important than private life to be challenged?
he has got 16469 out of 23048 voted or 32518 being the registered!!
Any voter for the GE, should compare the past performance or any Candidate with ability and sense of responsibility!
For the benefits of the Voters, please take a fair look on every candidate!
I am not a MCA fan but I wish fair view be able to casted on everyone!

5. two-face - January 1, 2008

Another important checklist is whether he used protection. As the health minister, he is duty-bound to set an example. Don’t you think so?

But that notwitstanding, he should resign.

6. Damocles - January 1, 2008

He must not be allowed to commit hara-kiri.
He should be sacked because we want, and expect, our top government officials to be of the highest calibre and that includes moral correctness.
Anything less is unacceptable to the electorate.
Moral laxity can lead to other laxness.
So, why should Malaysians short-change themselves!
We are already short-changed in every way by the BN!
Isn’t that enough? Or do you want more?

7. headhunter - January 1, 2008

what he did is no body’s business, as he and the other person are adults, not morally right but not illegal. At least he had the balls to admit it up front. (It appears to be a set up too, what with 4 cameras?)

Say hypothetically a minister is caught in PD with a woman, it is non of our business!

If he is caught with a underage girl, it is everybody’s business!

Lets get our priorities right, scandals involving public money, corruption etc is when we should be screaming for blood….

8. ghostline - January 2, 2008

I’m no fan of Chua Soi Lek – or of any MCA stooge for that matter – but there are far more important crises to address than his bedroom indiscretions.

Pardon the language, but who gives a flying crap who he’s screwing (subject to headhunter’s caveat above) when the UMNO-BN regime he’s part of is screwing the whole country over?

The repercussions from CSL’s indiscretions will be self-resolving; the indiscretions of the UMNO-BN regime will need our active involvement to purge at the upcoming election.

9. two-face - January 2, 2008

This is getting really exciting. Now I can see there are lot of my kind who are two-face especially in the opposition. When it is a UMNO minister the opposition especially the DAP will whack left and right but when it’s an MCA, suddenly the moral high ground doesn’t apply anymore. Rahim had to go, Muhamad Taib too and that Selangor MB as well. What is so special about this one?

10. Mad & angry! - January 2, 2008

Sorry for the deviation of topics, but

Let’s start a campaign to get rid of the Chief Minister of Sabah, Musa Aman. This guy is dangerous, to acheive his own selfish interests, he could sink down so low as to exploit sensitive subject.

Quote from Lim Kit Siang blog:

“However, it was Musa who single-handedly halted the construction of the Mazu statue because of his animosity with Chong, especially in spat over Musa’s plan to develop the Sipadan Island, one of the world’s five best diving spots, in utter disregard of the Sipadan’s ecosystem which attracted unfavourable international attention for Malaysia because of criticism from global environmentalist”

This guy, Musa, is a disaster in as far as Race Relations is concerned. Sabah has been relative peaceful and interacial interaction has been exemplary, until this maniac comes along. Moreover, the number of misdeeds commited by this maniac, as exposed in the MT site, is beyond belief. And we still have Sabah Chinesebased party willing to support him is beneath contempt!

Get rid of this social misfit. The PM should NOT field him in the next GE. Or else, I am going to start a solo campaign until this guy is sent out to pasture!

Sorry for misusing your blog, let out steam I must!

11. hasilox - January 2, 2008

Agree. PKFZ thieving is of much higher priority. Entirely different league.

12. wits0 - January 2, 2008

“Dr Chua said he will not resign over the sex DVDs. He will leave that up to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to decide.”

IOW, he doesn’t know what’s right and what’s wrong or that it does not matter(true Bolehland style)as long as its acceptable to UMNO/BN! As a leader, he needn’t set a good example? Any married man can commit adultery as long as it’s affordable? Whata moral moron!

Sure, his enemies must’ve invaded his privacy, and entrapped him but the above posers yet apply as a separate issue especially since he has openly admitted it.

13. monsterball - January 2, 2008

two-face..There is only one of your kind here. All others are not like you’
Don’t dream!
What is such a big deal that Lim Kit Siang must speak up on the sex issue…when more than 70% have voiced out that he should resign.
We all have given our opinions.Lets read a smart one from you..instead of instigating like a low class scum.
There is no doubt you are an UMNO supporter….ok..so be it….your choice..but stop your idiotic nonsense…by saying many are like you.
You are insulting us!

14. monsterball - January 2, 2008

two-face ..There is only one like you here in this blog. It is ok you support UMNO…that’s your right..but don’t say there are many like you here. More than 70% Malaysians have voiced out..the Minister should resign .And look at your idiotic remark…wondering did he use a condom.
What a sickoo you are.but then….most UMNO supporters are like …talking cock and bull..you….no surprise.

15. Top Posts « WordPress.com - January 2, 2008

[…] Anugerah skrin politik The irony. On the day news broke in the Malay and English media (snail’s-pace, compared to the Chinese media) […] […]

16. whispering9 - January 2, 2008

I am never fond of politicians though I can accept them at a macro level. Used to hate this guy’s gut but his bravery for confessing has my uttermost respect and admiration. Bravo. To me, having a secret love affair with a “personal” friend is the least of all crimes we should lynched untill, of course, Malaysia is politically more prefect. Beside, we should stop being so predictable by allowing gangsters and crooked politicians to ‘borrow knife kill opponent’ – a chinese aphorism. Shouldn’t give them such pleasure because they who exploit such tactics are the worse of politicians.

17. libraa2 - January 2, 2008

The only sin Chua has committed is to cheat on his wife. Since his wife has forgiven him, then it is none of our business, provided we say Nay to Liz’s questions.
The story is incomplete if we don’t know the identity of that mystery woman.
In any case, we are better off than other countries where they kill their political enemies.
Sex scandal is surely better than murder.

18. ycg - January 2, 2008

I would agree that is it none of my problem if Chua is an ordinary joe and that no one is expecting anything from him. But this is different! He is a representative of Malaysians that means we are expecting him to think using his intended brain before he acts. This minister, for the good things or bad things that he did earlier has taken a wrong path by doing what he did. How can we as ppl who elected him to represent us listen to him talking about the goodness of things & tolerate it when he, mind you a married person with kids, goes around screwing a ‘personal friend’?! hello. are you guys telling me that you see nothing wrong in a married minister having consensual sex, not using government’s money but nevertheless having done it with anyone other than his wife? Hosay if like that, Other ministers – CUE to have a rompa-romp-romp courtesy of the Rakyat who voted for you! We still love you, by the way, have you met my sister, chua. (?!?!?!?!?!)

I commended Chua for admiting that he is the person in the tape. By admiting it, he should also accept his mistake and resign, not wait until the PM passes a judgement on him. If he really has the passion to serve the ppl (WTF serve at pleasure of PM?!), stand in election again! Let the ppl judge whether to vote you again / not!

19. sofiairdina - January 2, 2008

He is more admirable then Bill “I did not sleep with that woman” Clinton, better then Abdullah “Scomi did not get any project from government” Badawi and better then DP “superimposed” Vijandran. Well, he is even more admirable then most men in bed..wink…wink.

Still, it does not mean that he should not resign. Even in court, you cannot get away with murder just because you said sorry.

Morever, its hard to take him seriously after this. The picture of him naked and in action will keeep on playing in my mind everytime I see his face and what he say or do would become secondary. Dont blame me. Some people really look better in their dresses. Just when I thought Linda Blair is the scariest character, here comes Chua Soi Lick with no make-up.

So, he did get some credit for being man enough, my sympathy for getting caught with his pants down but still, just go… 4 cameras from 4 angles are just too much.

20. two-face - January 2, 2008


Even if PKFZ is a higher priority, it still need to be proven. But that doesn’t mean what CSL did was ok. If he can f***ed around behind his wife and children, do you think he’ll care a hoot about you or the people. How can he preached about moral values to his ministry staff, even about coming in late to work when he can’t even honour his wedding vows.

What puzzles me is that there are more capable young leaders in MCA to take over. And he’s already 61. Yes, I respect his admission but then he got no choice. I will respect him more if he spare the trouble for others. The buck stops at him.

21. max - January 2, 2008

Oral sex is illegal. Correct me if i’m wrong. Charge him in court.

Pity the woman. She could be a Wanita MCA member or somebody’s wife. That’s adultery.

Sack the bugger!

22. yeop - January 2, 2008

Ms Wong,
This man is a man of public standing, a community leader and one that is expected to lead by example. His forays in the bedroom is his as you say, but he got caught doing it thus exposing him to be a man of deceit, who cheats and lies at least to his family and those who trusted him and loved him ). He exposed himself to an opportunity for extort by others.
This man can be no leader of our society. Lest we forget the age old wisdom, that justice is not only to be done but must also seen to be done. Equally, a leader of society must be impeccable in all manners in public and private.
Of course the culprit who puts up the cameras and so on, is a criminal..he committed a criminal act. So go after him/her. Chua Soi Lek should do the honourable and submit his letter of resignation.
Even in America its President had to answer to a House Select Committee for his forays with a Lewinsky…ours is an Asian society and we should uphold its values.

Therefore Ms Wong; I beg to differ with you.


23. Latkoya - January 2, 2008

Dear Eli,

Whilst I agree with u on not taking the moral high ground – a little bird had asked me the following questions:-

What if the “personal friend” is a prostitute?

What if he was not practising safe sex (considering he is a health minister and all)?

What if the wife was upset and did not forgive him – as clearly this is a cheating case? Is there a solidarity issue for women here?

What if Badawi does not ask him to resign and this is a green light for all ministers that you can go ahead and cheat your wives – since there is no room for political exploitation in such sex scandals? We are not talking about criminal action against the said minister but the call for resignation!

In any case I or rather the little bird think one is aware the of difference in degree of the “crime” here compared to corruption, murder et al.

bye bye,

dickie bird

24. Harrison Bin Hansome - January 2, 2008

See my parenthesis answer to the questions:-

1. Was the act non-consensual?

2. Was it under duress e.g. pressure and threats to keep one’s job, or to secure one’s livelihood or security?
SEE 3)

3. Was it a form of inducement e.g. in an employer-employee relationship which would result in benefits and advantages; or for political favours like good seat allocation, contracts, commissions etc.?

4. Did the Minister used his job privileges e.g. to get a free or discounted hotel room, used ministerial facilities e.g. official car, or dug deep into the public coffers to pay for that hotel suite?


ADAMANTLY HOLDS ON TO POWER WINNOWING ANY DIGNITY TO STEP DOWN. btw, i m enjoyin’ this. Well, Eli, your innuendoes are very inspiring and I am lovin’ it 🙂

25. Damocles - January 2, 2008

After reading the postings on this subject in this blog, I cannot but feel that most Malaysians are intrinsically naive!!
Many said what a person did to who in the bedroom is his business.
Do you know that senior officials can be blackmailed by foreign countries to pass information to them?
I’m not saying that this happened but it can happen.
Do you also realise that a person in his position is, unlike an ordinary person, be beyond the reach of the OSA or even possibly the ISA? Or even suspicion?
Do you NOW know the reason why senior government officials must be persons of the highest integrity?
I think that Malaysians are still wet behind the ears!

26. bamboo river - January 2, 2008

Pity and angry at the same time.
Why ? Pity because he was caught with his pants and underwear down. Angry because as a Minister and representative to the citizen, he should follow up and do what is logical ….that is to step down.
About his family…well, that is personal to him and his family.
Don’t want to interfere people’s family matters.

27. hasilox - January 2, 2008

I am not condoning what he has done. He is a person who is entrusted with high responsibility. His action goes beyond moral issues. His manners exposed him to potential threats that could jeopardize issues of national interest due to the nature of his work. But, we have seen worse and still seeing it.

Actually, I am more bewildered by the circumstances of the video and the motives because it seems like an entrapment to me. Of course the motive is to remove him. Could there be more explosive and dangerous reasons?

Yes, our first reaction is wanna see him removed. But, how many in the current administration are better? I am not saying he should not be punished. However, when the matter of graver concerns are swept underneath the carpet, this will be like trying to fix a broken finger while leaving the entire body to rot.

Given the circumstances, removing him immediately plays right into the hand of the plotters. Who knows what lies underneath. I am curious to know if his fucked up is merely a simple fuck up. For now, I am not going to shout myself hoarse for his removal.

28. two-face - January 2, 2008

Thank you on your sensible rebuttal. I do appreciate the comment. Wanted to reply but CSL has resigned, so I leave it at that. Good luck to his future and hope he won’t let down the ‘personal friend’ now that he no longer hold positions.

29. sonet - January 2, 2008

Irregardless whether he is a minister or commoner, we deserves our own personal space and privacy. How can we allows hotel to put up cameras in the room and subsequently distributed the tapes. The hotel must be responsible for all the possible consequences. Action should be taken against the hotel operator as well. This is clearly an invasion of privacy and really no different from a robber.

Well…seems to me the Ong related family will hold on to the part highest post for many years to come with Junior and Senior around.

Please give him and his family some deserving breathing space. We dare to come out strong and admit is wrongdoing and apologies to the public.

30. iron - January 2, 2008

Yes, Elizabeth. I totally agree with you. it’s not our business who the ex-minister is sleeping with. Jus his luck to be caught off guard and admitted it! There are all those bungalow builders on public land, ‘close one eye” liar and ”mat rempit as mat cemerlang” hailers that we have forgotten. they never admitted…and still numb…holding on to their positions…and continue their menace…what to do?

31. headhunter - January 3, 2008

I refer to two faces coments abt the opposition whacking if it is Umno eg MM Taib, but not of MCA. I think it is an unfair comment.

Statutory rape is illegal. Money laundering (eg millions in Australia is illegal). Building houses without permits is against the regulations. Asking a customs officer to ignore rules for your business benefit is illegal.

Lets not sort things along partisan lines. Bottom line is whether it is illegal.

What is legal and illegal is clearly spelt out in our laws (although getting fair judgement from our learned judges or not, is another matter- but that’s another storey- ya ya ya correct correct).

What is moral or immoral is not so clear cut- judging from the various argements illustrates that each individuals defination of what is acceptable or not varies. Opinions differ so much even amongst family, colleagues, friends etc just shows that it is best left to the individual and his conscience.

32. RANJIT SINGH - January 3, 2008

What Dr. Chua did is wrong. He betrayed his wife and family.He admitted the person in the DVD is him.He appologise to the rakyat..of his wrong doings…Chua is a good polotician and a gentleman…Malaysia Bolih..

33. borneopeteliew - January 3, 2008

Yes, I too agree with Elizabeth. What he did is his own business. Its his bad karma he got caught with his pants down. Dr Chua is a gentleman for admitting and he is much better than all the other clowns in government today, where one has even used C4 to kill after a good screw and still holding his senior governmental position and not admitting to this crime.

34. aiyomanaboleh - January 3, 2008

But then again what is there to deny if the video clearly shows ….
He would have got my 100% if besides admitting he also resign on the basis it is unbecoming of a public figure to hold on to a post once the image is tarnished. Is it morally wrong? All I can say is if you chose to play with fire make sure you don’t get burn. As long as you don’t go for 1st aid, nobody will know.

35. simon - January 4, 2008

Liz is entitled to her opinion.

I disagree with her on the following grounds.

We expect higher standard from public figures.

We cannot trust person who cheats on the person he/she sleeps with (since we are nothing as we dun sleep with him). Even easier for him to cheat us, the public.

If that standard is acceptable, then Companies Commission should accept bankrupts to be Company Directors. Members of Parliaments can be convicted fraudsters, cheaters, criminals too etc etc ad nauseaum. Since they dun, point is made.

Similarly if Liz cheats on the person she sleeps with I would not trust anything she says either as she might be cheating me too. So there you go!

36. wits0 - January 4, 2008

Agree, Simon.

Howsy has enumerated the different views nicely at : http://howsy.blogspot.com/
The Sympathizers/Apologists

37. Crankshaft - January 4, 2008

I beg to differ in opinion.

What pisses me off is not so much that he got couldn’t keep his zipper up. Not that he was stupid enough to be caught on tape. Not even that he is with a woman young enough to be his daughter.

It is the fact that he claims Malaysians have a holier than thou attitude, which just goes to show he expected his apology to be accepted by all and to keep his position as minister.

Chua Soi Lek belongs to Barisan Nasional – a bunch of creeps who outdo themselves with religious dos and don’ts.

– Discussions of tearing down Christian crosses in mission schools.

– Refusal of publication rights over the usage of the word ‘Allah’.

– Stealing bodies of Indian Malaysian heroes and giving them muslim burials.

– Tearing down temples.

If you have to spout that kind of religious crap, you’d better toe the line when it comes to your actions, because the last time I checked, screwing a woman who is not your wife (even if she was a ‘personal friend’) is not endorsed by any religion practised in Malaysia.

38. vlps - January 5, 2008

echoed ur anger fully to the brim, crankshaft. in yesterday’s nst (if i m not mistaken) he actually found another cheek to say something along the lines that went “sadly most malaysians can’t accept his apology.”

of course who i m referring to is none other than csl, the c*nting ponce. personally, i would like to say this to csl, other than ur bloody mongrels (that only lingers around waiting for the crumbs to fall off of your table), and which as sure as hell as u r born, u r gonna bring them down with u to HELL sooner or later, NO ONE in malaysia gives a flying f*ck abt what a f*cking ponce like u has to say! hes so far down shithole he didnt even know what shit he has become.

btw, just to spread more anger before the sun goes down, this csl c*nt also happens to be a very close friend of a certain prominent member of a supposedly good-good body to which i belong. needless to say, the aforementioned member is guaran-damn-teed by yours truly to be one idiot jerk-off too. ugly birds with super ugly feather flock together, thats what i remembered vividly from my English lessons. and if Malaysia is as firearms-liberal as the U.S, oh, how many ppl i woulda personally assassinate up to date. but that is best left for another time.

now, time for bed.

39. Crankshaft - January 5, 2008

Whoa, vlps. That was quite a rant. 🙂

40. Del - January 6, 2008

A Minister committed adultery and his nude body was exposed to the Malaysian public. How does that affect his role as a Minister of the government? As I see it, he’s been praised for some level-headedness not otherwise seen among his colleagues. Why then are we sacrificing a man who executes his career responsibilities well?

One cannot generously offer NOT to mind his personal business AND call for his resignation FOR the publicised sexual indiscretion. Are you not calling for his resignation BECAUSE of the affair? Some attempt to legitimise their “baying for blood”, drawing some vague connection about his perceived lack of (sexual) morality with his representation each citizen. How does his sexual liasons affect his representation of the Msian public? He is a political minister NOT a religious one. Does a pork-eating, uncircumcised Minister represent a Muslim citizen? Does a Minister who has sex with his very legal family of wives represent citizens who regard themselves as “sexual purists” with Eastern values?

Then there is another group of people who enjoy speculating on what-ifs to justify how dangerous it is to have an adulterous minister. “What if he slept with an agent of our enemies?” “What if he used his authority to procure sex for his ugly self?”
Work with the facts. It is ludicrous to speak of possibilities and use these potential (fictional) factors to demand he resign!

Anyone who is crying out for a resignation must attempt to explain these 2 matters:

1) How does a politician’s personal moral/religious values represent yours? Do they represent yours at all? (counter pork and polygamy instances mentioned above) If their values do not normally represent yours, on what basis do you recommend this particular minister be sacked from his JOB? Can you argue without a moral high ground?

2) This second matter may sound very similar to the first, but I assure you it isn’t. How does a politician’s marital infidelity (for which his spouse has apparently forgiven) affect his abilities as a minister of the government? If it is a matter of his tarnished image, are we trying to pretend that we really think that highly of the other ministers of government? If it is a matter of trust, I fail to see the dots that connect hiding infidelity from HIS WIFE with deceiving the public in MATTERS THAT CONCERN THE PUBLIC. Please explain.

I don’t need politicians who are virginal monks. All I ask is they serve the public well. I personally fail to see their sexual habits as a public service/concern esp if the acts are not illegal.

41. vlps - January 8, 2008

Del, pls know me cherish ur thoughts. i do, cos they smack of fresh air.

what i can’t understand about u though is why, in your own words, u not see their sexual habits as a public service/concern esp if the acts (which in this case happens to be ONLY adultery?) are not illegal.

while i’m at it, let me also connect some dots for u a.l.a Bill Clinton style. taking ur stance on this current hotcake issue, i think i can safely assume u personally also believe the Clinton-Lewinsky affair about 10 years ago was also just one of many “baying-for-blood” episodes in politics? so,are u implying you fail to see point of almost half of all Americans who at that point of time outspokenly denounced and damn, even took him to the Supreme Court for?

note: imho, i think the U.S Supreme Court is one of a few satisfactorily clean institutions left on this planet.

yo del, it is not exactly perfect example to super hormonally-charged 13 y/o hot blood like me to be seen able to screw around sexually and then still gets away with it i.e be permitted to keeping a high profile(as opposed to low-key) job now, IS IT? Answer me.

the issue’s nature is not one of whether to meddle or not. to cut it short, i guess what im trying to say here is, sometimes u cant have your cake n eat it too. OR it’s not personal, it’s strictly business. or whatever.

chua soi lek is most definitely not the best local candidate there is politically n u know it. heck, maybe u could even do an even better job than him!!! lol

aiks…better stop now. sorry for the rather lengthy drone. here, let me buy u an ice cream someday. love ya, Del.

42. vlps - January 8, 2008

Del, pls know me cherish ur thoughts. i do. boy, do they smack of fresh air.

what i can’t understand about u though is why, in your own words, u not see their sexual habits as a public service/concern esp if the acts (which in this case happens to be ONLY adultery?) are not illegal.

while i’m at it, let me also connect some dots for u a.l.a Bill Clinton style. taking ur stance on this current hotcake issue, i think i can safely assume u personally also believe the Clinton-Lewinsky affair about 10 years ago was also just one of many “baying-for-blood” episodes in politics? are u implying that you fail to see the point of almost half of all Americans who at that point of time outspokenly denounced and damn, even took him to the Supreme Court(if i remember correctly) for?

note: imho, i think the U.S Supreme Court is one of a few satisfactorily clean n upright institutions left on this planet.

yo del, it is not exactly perfect example to super hormonally-charged 13 y/o hot bloods like me to be seen able to screw around sexually and then still gets away with it i.e be permitted to keeping a high profile(as opposed to low-key) job now, IS IT NOW? Answer me.

the issue’s nature is not one of whether to meddle or not. to cut it short, i guess what im trying to say here is, sometimes u cant have your cake n eat it too. OR it’s not personal, it’s strictly business. or whatever.

plus, chua soi lek is most definitely not the best local political candidate there is for the post that he used to hold n u know it. maybe he sucked on peckers in the olden days to get to where he was a week or so ago. who knows. maybe u could do an even better job than him!!! lol

aiks…better stop now. sorry for the rather lengthy drone. here, let me buy u an ice cream someday. love ya, Del.

43. Del - January 11, 2008

“why (do) u not see their sexual habits as a public service/concern esp if the acts are not illegal.”

If the act is not grievous enough to merit the existence of written criminal law, then on what basis do we hold the minister accountable for the act? Is it not on a moral basis? Is that not then a domestic affair? Then that brings me back to the difference in values/priorities between the minister and the citizens. (refer to pork and polygamy)

Instead of asking me re-worded questions, how about you attempt to answer some of mine. Perhaps in your attempts to answer them you will understand why I forward my “fresh aired” opinions.

Re: Bill Clinton.
There are no dots to join. You apparently added some of your own. Clinton was the President of the most powerful state in the world. Chua Soi Lek is not even Deputy PM of Msia. Clinton lied. Soi Lek couldn’t.

“i think i can safely assume u personally also believe the Clinton-Lewinsky affair about 10 years ago was also just one of many “baying-for-blood” episodes in politics”

And you don’t think so? Tell me about the half of Americans who allegedly agree with this. Which poll?
Here’s why I saw it as political bloodlust: Clinton was impeached by the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and NOT the US SUPREME COURT.
Republicans dominated the house and voted against him. Democrats stuck by their president. Strange that the votes go down party lines if the impeachment is not politically motivated, don’t you think?!

Oh and guess what? SENATE acquitted Clinton later. He was NEVER REMOVED FROM OFFICE. Chua was booed out of office by moral purists and political opportunists in both Parliament and the Msian public (as far as I can tell). I’d love to be convinced differently though.

Oh and here’s another gem of a fact that distinguished Clinton from Chua SL: Clinton was impeached for LYING. Not for oral sex. Not for adultery. Chua didn’t stand a chance the moment his zipper was undone and the camera was rolling.

So conclusion: There is NO parallel in the cases of Clinton and Chua Soi Lek if one bothers to look beyond the words “political office” and “sex scandal”.

“chua soi lek is most definitely not the best local political candidate there is for the post that he used to hold n u know it.”

Firstly, I don’t think I’ve been intimate enough with you for you to know what I know and what I don’t.
Next, whether he is the best candidate or not should be decided at the elections, not by a convenient sex scandal. But since you are of the opinion that he fails at his job, may I ask how he has faltered (other than obvious affiliation with undesirable political colleagues)?

44. vlps - January 17, 2008

I am not very clear on how he has faltered but I believe his failings are quite clearly listed out in another comment section by another enlightened commentator. I lazy to go fish it for you. The moment I finished reading your post, my blood was boiling hot and I had the urge to bang at my keyboard and throw away the whole machine set altogether. But rest assured next time, I won’t give up so easily.

45. NONPartisan - February 16, 2009

malaysians should stop behavin like a hypocrite, judging how morally right on others when they should have look at themselves first before judging others. sex scandal is a new tool in the political game. remember the actress in hong kong who was rape in front of a video and use as a blackmail tool. we should not allow this to go on. nudity is beautiful and not lustful depending on the viewer. . we will appreciate the beauty of a naked body. Reject hypocrite politicians!!!!

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