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(Readings) Chinese least impressed with Pak Lah August 5, 2007

Posted by elizabethwong in Current Affairs, Democracy, Note2Self, Politics, Race Relations, Readings.

For those without access to Malaysiakini – an interesting poll which some of us looked at yesterday… and groaned.

So, before you break out the champagne or light fireworks, please analyse the voting demographics of each constituency, esp. those who harbour Parliamentarian dreams. Also bear in mind, there are always BN-block votes in each constituency.

Too much emphasis had been put on an earlier poll, which also also indicated the so-called ‘Chinese-swing” votes. This is exactly why the “Chinese”-component parties of BN have been asking for a later date for General Elections, but Umno has decided that setting aside their concerns will still give them the majority of seats in Parliament.

Those with 70% or more of Chinese voters will do well, but not the rest. This also means that Opposition parties who hold these coveted seats will allocate them to their Chosen Ones. The rest will have to fight it out as hard as, if not harder, like during 2004.

Opposition MPs-wanna-be’s have to do so much more work.


Chinese least impressed with Pak Lah
Bede Hong, Malaysiakini.com, 04 August 2007

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi still enjoys popular support despite public disgruntlement over the country’s sluggish economy, according to a survey conducted by the Merdeka Center.

However, although the premier receives a pat on the back from the general population [See graph here], the Chinese are less than impressed with his performance.

Abdullah’s approval rating remains high, with 86 percent of Malay Malaysians, 71 percent of Indian Malaysians while only 54 percent the Chinese Malaysians supporting the administration. [See chart here]

In the survey carried out through phone interviews involving 1,022 respondents throughout Peninsular Malaysia, Abdullah on average enjoys 71 percent support. Only 21 percent of respondents disapproved.

The poll which include a random selection of respondents aged 21 and above from all states was done over one week between June 14-20.

According to Merdeka Centre director Ibrahim Suffian, the public’s approval of Abdullah is expected to hover at approximately 70 percent, with Malays and Indians largely supportive of his administration. The Chinese however perceive the prime minister as “sub-par”, he said.

“And the announcement of salary increment for civil servants and the prime minister’s marriage (to Jeanne Abdullah) did not bring about a higher approval rating as claimed by the media,” said Ibrahim at a talk organised by University of Malaya faculty of economics and administration and Transparency International Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur last night.

The survey was to gauge voter sentiments on a variety of national issues.

He said the Chinese “once again showed higher expectations” for political leaders as compared to the Malays and Indians.

Election promises not kept

Overall, the Chinese have a lower approval for Abdullah’s performance as prime minister, he said.

“The majority of the Chinese think Abdullah did not keep most of his election promises. They’re less confident with the government’s ability in fulfilling the people’s aspirations,” he said.

“More Chinese also think that the problem of the sluggish Malaysian economy can be addressed by having more opposition leaders in Parliament,” he added.

Abdullah’s approval rating has dropped from 91 percent in November 2004 to 73 percent in June this year, according to the survey.

Abdullah’s two major plummets in his approval were in March 2006 (68 percent) when the oil price hike was announced and in September 2006 (63 percent) and when former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad stepped up his criticisms of the prime minister.

His approval rating climbed to 70 the following month and 72 percent in November when Umno held its annual general assembly. It was also during this time when Mahathir was hospitalised from a heart attack.

“The assembly won a lot of support from the grassroots. It also consolidated Umno and Abdullah’s leadership,” said Ibrahim.

Although the premier’s approval rating is high, only 8 percent of the Chinese felt Abdullah kept his 2004 election pledges to fight corruption and to improve the public service’s delivery system, compared to the Malays (57 percent) and Indians (37 percent).

On a question regarding the country’s situation, 58 percent felt that status quo should remain, while 33 percent said the country needs more opposition leaders.

Seventy-three percent of Malays felt “Malaysia is lagging behind other countries in economic terms but the programmes and current efforts by the government will help the country catch up.” Thirty-eight percent of the Chinese and 47 percent of Indians felt the same.

In comparison, 45 percent of Indians, 44 percent of the Chinese and 24 percent of Malays felt that “the problems of the sluggish Malaysian economy can be addressed if there were more leaders from the opposition.”

Asked if they were satisfied with the ability of the government to meet the aspirations of the people, 33 percent of Chinese said they were, compared to the Malays (76 percent) and Indians (63 percent).

Asked if the country needs a stronger opposition, 82 percent of the Chinese agreed, compared to the Malays (62 percent) and Indians (74 percent).

“The Chinese are more in favour of having a stronger opposition and their desire increases steadily. However, such desires do not translate necessarily translate into votes for a particular party,” said Ibrahim.

According to the survey, PAS remains accepted by the Malays but retains minimal Chinese support. Increase in Chinese acceptance is more a sign of dissatisfaction with the ruling government.

DAP gets most Chinese support

On voter’s likelihood to vote for PAS, only 30 percent of Malays said they are willing to vote for the party. Twenty-three percent of the Chinese and 27 percent of the Indians felt the same.

PKR seemed more acceptable by the Chinese and Indians despite being labelled a Malay party, while DAP remains popular among the Chinese but has hardly made any inroads into the Malay communities, said Ibrahim.

Forty-two percent of the Chinese said they are willing to vote for PKR, compared to the Malays (25 percent) and Indians (26 percent).

For DAP, 62 percent of the Chinese said they are willing to vote for the party, while only 8 percent of Malays felt the same. Thirty-three percent of Indians said they are willing to vote DAP.

Meanwhile, a separate survey on Kelantanese respondents revealed that 90 percent are concerned with social issues affecting youths. The national average is 61 percent.

On the support of Kelantanese to the PAS-led state government, Ibrahim said: “The perceptions of the economy is actually positive, much more positive than in Terengganu. One serious problem there is the lack of jobs. There aren’t enough jobs to go around. But in terms of perceptions of the state government, it has actually improved,” he said.

He said the state government-run insurance programmes and schemes for the lower income group have influenced support for the opposition party.


1. monsterball - August 5, 2007

Until Pak Lah shows he is now playing UMNO dirty politics so clearly….he will not be trusted by the Chinese and other races.
Those goodies he gave are nothing compared to his cunningness and perhaps a sign of a coward..dare not scold Khairy his son-in-law… and tell him to shut up. Everyone knows Khairy will bring shame to him…yet he keeps quiet…making the story he is under Khairy ridiculously true..
Until he show some guts to sack few ministers BEFORE elections….majority will keep favoring the oppositions..even if they are dumbells. Better have new dimwits that the ones we know will never change.

2. mob1900 - August 5, 2007

We’re not just ‘least-impressed’, we’re down-right pissed with Bedol Napoleon and co incurring HUGE debt for our future generation with the Barat-Timur Koridor, Utara-Selatan Verandah and Atas-Bawah Korner initiatives(translated: Debts, debts and more debts) which are worthless blueprints and serves as expensive PR screens.

Bedol Napoleon, no need to ‘walk the talk’, just take a hike!

3. jrtrtdh - August 5, 2007

no need to ‘walk the talk’, don’t take take a hike, just take a flying leap off any double-storey building. ( Plenty of them in Melbourne, KL, Kepala Batas or anywhere you happen to be )

4. anonymous dud - August 5, 2007

all this ratings are bullshit, or else how come ijok and machap still get the vote

5. KTemoc - August 5, 2007

Liz, from teh MKINI table, the opposition’s aggregate is a staggering 82%; I may be a dreamer but ’tis hard to imagine only 12% left for the BN 😉

As you know, the Chinese 😉 are notorious for keeping stuff close to their chest till polling day itself, so ……… hmmm, 42% for PKR and 62% for DAP ……. and most ludicrous of all, a 23% chinese support for PAS? No way la, senorita!

6. kittykat46 - August 5, 2007

Chinese voters could be just about fed up enough to vote for any opposition party, as long as its not the Bee Ant.

On the other hand, a lot of people, including Malays feel that many things are not right with the country. But most Malays just don’t see any opposition party worth voting for. That’s why they will stay with UMNO.

The opposition still has a lot of hard work ahead to be perceived as a credible Shadow government. If they can do that, it will be a tsunami in Malaysian politics. But its not there yet, may be not for a long time.

7. mat - August 5, 2007

Correction susan – the result amongst malays (regarding pak lah’s popularity) should be 7%, not 70%. Must be a typo

8. mat - August 5, 2007

Correction eli – the result amongst malays (regarding pak lah’s popularity) should be 7%, not 70%. Must be a typo

9. oA - August 5, 2007


Moron begets moron, simple.

If he thinks what he had said recently were smart he better look in the mirror.

And that hasn’t even described what he truly is.


10. yingyang - August 6, 2007

Honestly, the political landscape has largely remained the same since 1957. Changes have been totally insignificant to be effective, and the opposition finds it tougher progressively to make any meaningful inroad into the main-stream political process. No thanks to voters who generally regard the status quo as probably the best set-up and consider it as a fait-accompli. It would appear that every general election is merely a re-affirmation of the ruling elite’s position, not unlike Saddam Hussein’s Iraq vote, conducted solely to determine who the opposition were, if any.

It’s a case of …… if you can’t beat them, join them!!

11. monsterball - August 6, 2007

LIZ and all…Sheih’s mom is hospitalized and in grave condition.
Please offer your prayers for her speedy recovery.

12. bamboo river - August 6, 2007

I am not surprised. That is what is happening now.
After all the monkeys waving and hollering .

13. Top Posts « WordPress.com - August 6, 2007

[…] (Readings) Chinese least impressed with Pak Lah For those without access to Malaysiakini – an interesting poll which some of us looked at yesterday… and […] […]

14. Jan - August 6, 2007

It’s easy for Pak Lah to win the elections real big. Just get rid of some deadwood in the cabinet especially those perceived to be corrupt and the rakyat will come out clapping.

15. sure!? - August 6, 2007

of course we are least impressed. Why not?

PM should be for all Malaysian, not for one race only. Full stop !

16. tony steven - August 6, 2007

The present govt. under PM Abdullah must address with an iron rod below listed major issues BEFORE election in order not to be defeated.
1. Corruption – starting from top down.
2. Report card for all govt. servents to measure their performance and reward according to their merit performance, if they do not have a system to boot them and not VSS.
3.Transparency in all level of govt. adminstration.
4. IF the govt. want to implement or allow something, do from the very start not abdruptly and hurt the public example:-
If the govt. have evaluated cigerites and liqour, is haram – do not import any – as on one side it is colllecting high taxes and on the other side allowing those who can indulge to have it – of course the affortable while the one who cannot effort turn to drugs.
Another example is overseas investment – I got involved in swisscash after reading SC and bank negara article in their webpage you can do so even so at your own risk, it is not registered with them. This was (1) year ago, now suddenly they SC and Bank Negara has shut down the site, claiming it to be scam site, they are still paying but we cannot access it as the govt. has shut the IP address for us to access – millions of the rayaat money is stuck – how to vote for this kind of adminstration – who only want the selected few to be rich and wealthy.

17. jeancumlately - August 6, 2007

Pak lah popularity rating still at 70%? Just wondering what this 70% of this malaysians saw in him… a good muslim? Created good slogans? Created the most corridors? Fought corruption? Married Jeanne? Good Father? Has monkey as a SIL? Temberang?

The only thing he ever read is his poem or something, about searching for bukary… now I know that bukhary is a yacht. And 70% of malaysians are impressed! Sheesh…

What have I done to desrve you, pak lah?

18. gua bay song - August 6, 2007

Woi Elly: dun like that lah… teaser enough… or else no one subscribe to MK and they all lose their jobs how?

EW: GBS – Lucky for you, we waited. Otherwise it would not be news.

19. shiver - August 6, 2007

and can someone tell me why does the govt always keep telling us the RM is stronger against the USD, meaning the appreciation of the RM means we are doing well. what kind of kindergarden bollocks is that? the USD is WEAK. Period! There is nothing about great about the RM. in fact it has weaken against the AUD, the KIWI, the CAD, the POUND and the EURO. AND how come Encik Badawi, i have stopped calling him YAB, can forever go off to Australia? i’m sure thats my tax money.

everytime tell us all the BS on the mainstream media when in actual fact everything is going wrong. did you guys notice how Encik Badawi seems to be on the newspapers the past 4-5 days non stop? with this 2057 plan la, with the corridor project, balcony project, roof top east door project… hey encik badawi, if we so rich, why we need CHINA’s MONEY to help us for the 2nd PENANG BRIDGE?

Encik Badawi, all the other PM got bapa pembangunan, bapa kemerdekaan… you are just bapa mertua KJ.

20. Wp deki Bu haftaki en populer iletiler… « VaTaN - August 7, 2007

[…] (Readings) Chinese least impressed with Pak Lah August 5, 2007 […]

21. Kean - August 7, 2007

How many of you had actually registered to vote for the next election? No point complaining if you don’t even go out and vote! Because of our youngster did not bother to vote, what happen to us now is our own consequences.

Day by day our own right as a Malaysia citizen is being manipulate by all this cunning politicians and worst of all, non-Bumi citizen is being treated like a slave in our own birth country. What is the meaning of MERDEKA if UMNO ask you to stand and you cannot sit just like what MCA is doing now!!

Is only a matter of time when Malaysia become an Islamic State if we still slumber in our own sweet dream, playing online game everyday, drinking and clubbing every night. Act now before everything is too late.

22. Confus-nation - August 7, 2007

Okay, so the elections roll up.
So people complain about other people not voting.
So, here’s a question:
Who do I vote for?
I sure as heck to not want to vote for the Bee Ant (Pink Panther theme please… I wish)
And I definitely do not want to vote for the party led by that ex-DPM now masquerading as a do-gooding opposition politico because I feel he will rejoin the Dead Ant in a shot if they ever offer him a hand – leopards will never change their shorts. Not to mention, I do not like Islamic fundamentalists.
And the DAP? Holy cow! Old man Lim’s still sitting on the mountain banging that drum that less and less people are listening to because they’re wondering when he’s going to get off his behind and let young blood in. Scratch THAT party.
PAS? Oh please. I am of Chinese heritage. I like my pork. And my alcohol. And I have an aversion to being stoned.
So, what’s left?

EW: Then you should run as a candidate.

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