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Hippocretin December 13, 2007

Posted by elizabethwong in Bebal-ism, Current Affairs, Democracy, Huh?!, Human Rights, Malaysia, Politics.
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A new species was discovered in Malaysia, a country close to the equator, in November 2003. Political scientists have called it ‘Hippocretin‘ and is said to be a cross-breed between a hypocrite and a cretin. It is believed this new being which resembles a chicken, is easily spotted with its Big Ears, has an IQ of ‘Ling-ling’ and the ability to fall asleep anytime, thus needing constant guidance and prodding from his brood to move around. It loves Nasi Kandar but definitely not floods. It is known to be afraid of crowds.pmstupid2.jpgBut seriously.This is a little rich, coming from someone who flew off to Venezeula, then a week’s holiday in Perth (and caught opening a Nasi Kandar shop of his family’s, of all things!), when the country faced the worst floods ever in its history.Is buying a RM 200 million personal jet a form of loving your country, when fuel subsidies are cut and inflation spirals?Is enriching your family and friends with titles, contracts and money a patriotic act? Do you know the difference between filial acts and patriotism.Is silencing people who have legitimate grouses and demonstrate peacefully with chemical-laced water, teargas, batons, mass arrests, media machinery, called loving your people?IS ARRESTING UDAYAKUMAR, MANO etc. WITHOUT TRIAL under the ISA, taking away their right to defend themselves in an open court, a fair and just action?No, Hippocretin.It’s a cowardly act.